

영화 정보

Paper Man

27th(2022) Korean Cinema Today


  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2022
  • Running Time130min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Inmok’s appearance is somewhat curious. Around his neck, covered in dirt, he wears a mysterious medal. Perhaps the medal is the last piece of his glorious past remaining in him. When he finds himself forcibly evicted from his house and with nowhere to go, Inmok lays wastepaper under a bridge and begins to stay there. Inmok’s companions under the bridge include an old man, who collects wastepaper; Kidong, who is kind and naive; and Seoyeon, a girl who wanders the streets. Inmok becomes their friendly guardian, but also becomes a crafty exploiter, blurring the boundary between good and evil. Watching his behaviors, we become disconcerted by his actions that are alternately pitiful, brazen, laughable, funny, but never contemptible. Paper Man reflects the ugly and unpleasant realities of the world in the microcosm of the world under the bridge. In that sense, Paper Man is a slick fable about capitalism and its ruthless food chain. (JUNG Hanseok)
KI Motae
KI Motae was born in 1984 and studied film and theater at a college. After directing a theater play AI and Her in 2019, he made web dramas including Plaka (2019), and a short film I Want To Be a Zombie (2021). Paper Man is the first feature film.
  • Director KI Motae 기모태
  • Producer Hyunjun JANG 장현준
  • Cast Jin KWAK 곽진, Hanna KANG 강한나, Hyunjun JANG 장현준, Daeuk KANG 강대욱, Byoungsoo KIM 김병수, Heetae JEON 전희태
  • Screenplay Motae KI 기모태
  • Cinematography Geunwon SEO 서근원
  • Editor Hyunjun JANG 장현준
  • Sound Megi JANG 장메기
  • Music Secret Asian Men 시크릿 아시안 맨
  • Production Company