

영화 정보


27th(2022) Jiseok

Family/Child · Crime/Violence · Love/Romance · Psychology/Mystery/Suspence/Thriller · Ravenge · Human Rights/Labor/Social  

  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year2022
  • Running Time99min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Seven years ago, a high school student was killed by a friend. The parents of the dead girl are now divorced, and the father drowns his anger and sorrow in alcohol. Then one day, the daughter’s murderer files a suit to have her sentence reduced. The father convinces his ex-wife that their daughter’s murderer should not be freed, and the two confront the murderer in court. December is a story about a family that falls apart after the death of a daughter, and then, in times of crisis, comes back together. As the parents confront the murderer and hear her out, the film shows us these same characters moving toward forgiveness and redemption. Director Anshul Chauhan once again raises a serious question about redemption, following his previous film Kontora (2019). Shogen, the star of Gensan Punch which won the Kim Jiseok Award in 2021, gives an impressive performance as the father. (NAM Dong-chul)
Born in India, Anshul Chauhan is an animator who took part in the production of Delhi Safari (2012) and led a team for the BBC TV’s Everything’s Rosie. He moved to Tokyo in 2011 and has worked on such projects as the SF movies Tron Uprising (2010), Computer game Final Fantasy 15, and Computer game Kingdom Hearts 3. His features as a director include Bad Poetry Tokyo (2018) and Kontora (2019), the latter of which received the Grand Prize at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival.
  • Director Anshul CHAUHAN 안슐 차우한
  • Producer Takahiro YAMASHITA, Anshul CHAUHAN, Mina MOTEKI
  • Cast Shogen, MEGUMI, Ryo MATSUURA, Shingo FUJIMORI, Toru KIZU, Takuzo SHIMIZU, Miki MAYA
  • Screenplay Rand COLTER
  • Cinematography Petter Moen JENSEN
  • Editor Anshul CHAUHAN
  • Music Yuma KODA
  • Production Company Yaman Films

    Kowatanda Films

  • World Sales SC Films International
    United Kingdom 1st Floor, 614 Fulham Road, London, SW6 5RP