

영화 정보


27th(2022) Flash Forward


  • CountryItaly
  • Production Year2022
  • Running Time105min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Michele Vannucci returns to some of the same themes of his debut film I Was a Dreamer (2016) with his latest film, Delta. It asks what obstacles exist to keep us from achieving our hopes and dreams. Osso is an activist who tries to protect the environment in the Delta region by rallying residents. Elia returns to Delta, his hometown, with his poor immigrant family and works doing illegal fishing. Osso and Elia both remember when Delta was a place where people caught fish peacefully. However, as the two forces collide, Delta turns into a place of death and revenge. Elia and Osso’s sad harmonica performances create the feeling of a tragic duet of the two men. Our dreams are destroyed by the reality where people who should gather strength are fighting against each other. Delta is filled with the same heartbreaking cynicism that marked the works of famed Italian neorealist directors who agonized over the irony that a paradise for the poor cannot be achieved on earth. (LEE Yong Cheol)
Michele Vannucci graduated from the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome. His debut feature, I Was a Dreamer (2016), earned him a nomination for the prestigious David di Donatello award for Best Newcomer and was invited to the Orizzonti in the Venice International Film Festival. Delta is the second feature film which was invited to the Piazza Grande, Locarno International Film Festival.
  • Director Michele VANNUCCI 미켈레 반누치
  • Cast Alessandro BORGHI, Luigi LO CASCIO
  • Screenplay Massimo GAUDIOSO, Fabio NATALE, Anita OTTO, Michele VANNUCCI
  • Production Company Groenlandia

    Kino Produzioni

    Rai Cinema

  • World Sales True Colours