

영화 정보


27th(2022) World Cinema

Women · Human Rights/Labor/Social  

  • CountryItaly/Belgium
  • Production Year2022
  • Running Time106min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
With Chiara, director Susanna Nicchiarelli presents a feminist period drama full of humor and liveliness. We know St. Frances of Assissi, the most gentle and humble Italian saint, but we don′t know about Chiara, a girl who followed Frances′s ideas to establish a women′s community. In the Middle Ages, when all nuns were confined to monasteries, she rebelled against the religious discipline that women should stay in the convent with her companions in the hope of knowing the outside world. To the director, Chiara isn’t just a nun but a free and strong figure who saves her friends and colleagues from male power and violence. The film is transformed into an amazing medieval musical, where Margherita Mazzucco, the star of the television series L′amica Geniale, shines in her performance of the young nun. The actress transforms Chiara into a modern and lovely figure who conveys a timeless message of courage and freedom. (SEO Seunghee)
Susanna Nicchiarelli was born in 1975 in Rome, Italy. She studied film directing at the Experimental Film Centre of Italian National Film School and made her feature film debut with Cosmonaut (2009), which won the Controcampo Italiano Awards at the Venice International Film Festival. Her following work, Nico, 1988 (2017), won Best Film in Orizzonti, Venice International Film Festival. Her recent works, Miss Marx (2020) and Chiara, were both invited to the Official Competition at the Venice International Film Festival.
  • Director Susanna NICCHIARELLI 수산나 니키아렐리
  • Producer Marta DONZELLI, Gregorio PAONESSA
  • Cast Margherita MAZZUCCO, Andrea CARPENZANO, Carlotta NATOLI, Paola Tiziana CRUCIANI, Luigi LO CASCIO
  • Screenplay Susanna NICCHIARELLI
  • Cinematography Crystel FOURNIER
  • Production Design Ludovica FERRARIO
  • Editor Stefano CRAVERO
  • Music Anonima FROTTOLISTI
  • Production Company Vivo film

    Rai Cinema

  • World Sales The Match Factory