

영화 정보

Even If This Love Disappears Tonight

27th(2022) Open Cinema

Remake/Adaptation · Love/Romance · Coming of Age  

  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year2022
  • Running Time122min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
An adaptation of Ichijo Misaki’s best-selling romance novel that also gained popularity in Korea, this film tells the story of a girl who loses all her memory of the previous day when she wakes up in the morning and a boy who falls in love with her. Michieda Shunsuke and Fukumoto Riko star in this Japanese film about charming young love. Although the theme memory loss has been widely used before, this film is slightly different in that the protagonist suffers from anterograde amnesia, which causes her to forget everything that happened the day before when she wakes up in the morning. In an effort not to forget, she keeps a journal in which she records her feelings of love. The relationship that began under a false pretense turns into a real one, but an unexpected event puts the couple’s love to the test, and a tearful love story ensues. (NAM Dong-chul)
MIKI Takahiro
Miki Takahiro was born in Tokushima, Japan in 1974. He directed many music videos for famous Japan musicians, and won the Grand Prize at the 2005 MTV Video Music Awards Japan. After making his debut feature with Solanin (2010), he has directed films such as We Were There: Part 1&2 (2012), Hot Road (2014), My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday (2016) and Love Me, Love Me Not (2020). Your Eyes Tell (2020) was invited to the Busan International Film Festival.
  • Director MIKI Takahiro 미키 다카히로
  • Cast Shunsuke MICHIEDA, Riko FUKUMOTO
  • Screenplay Sho TSUKIKAWA, Hana MATSUMOTO
  • Music Seiji KAMEDA
  • Production Company TOHO Studios Co., Ltd

  • World Sales TOHO CO., LTD.