

영화 정보

The Last Night of Amore

28th(2023) World Cinema

Crime/Violence · Psychology/Mystery/Suspence/Thriller · Action/Martial Arts · Ravenge  

  • CountryItaly
  • Production Year2022
  • Running Time125min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Italian film noir is entering a renaissance, and Andrea Di Stefano establishes himself as a master of the movement with The Last Night of Amore. On the eve of his honorable retirement, Inspector Franco Amore receives the news that his partner is dead. Now, he, a man who never compromises, has to spend sleepless nights constantly running away from both corrupt cops and criminal organizations. One of Italy’s greatest actors Pier Francesco Favino plays Amore, an honest cop who falls victim to a conspiracy and is hunted through the night in Milan. Andrea Di Stefano employs highly visual and narrative techniques that recall De Palma with dizzying tracking shots across the city and at the beginning of the movie various flashbacks. Santi Pulvirenti’s music is also reminiscent of Ennio Morricone’s major themes. The Last Night of Amore is one of the best Italian films of the year. (SEO Seunghee)
Andrea Di Stefano is an actor, screenwriter, and director. He has appeared in films by such world-renowned directors as Ang Lee, Marco Bellocchio, and Dario Argento. He debuted as a director with a feature film, Escobar: Paradise Lost (2014), and went on to direct The Informer (2017). The Last Night of Amore was invited to the special section, the Berlin International Film Festival.
  • Director Andrea DI STEFANO 안드레아 디 스테파노
  • Cast Pierfrancesco FAVINO, Linda CARIDI, Francesco DI LEVA
  • Production Company Indiana Production

  • World Sales Vision Distribution