

영화 정보

The King and His Sculptor

7th(2002) Wide Angle

Education · Labor · Psychology  

  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2002
  • Running Time80min
  • Format DV
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
The students in the Department of Film at Sejong University hold a demonstration for the expansion of educational facilities and supplementation of professors. One cannot help but feel sorry for the students, who must brandish picket signs in order to get what they deserved in the first place. Although in the end the students do achieve a small part of their goal, nevertheless, feeling that a lot has been left unresolved, a professor in the film department quits his job. And a colleague who teaches sculpture at the department of Arts unjustly fails to get reappointed. The reason for his not being reappointed was that, contrary to the requests by the foundation, the sculpture made by the professor was not a well-proportioned figure. The sculpting professor does not accept the foundation’s measures, and thus begins a one-man struggle against them. The film successively shows the footage of the professor who demonstrates by himself in front of the school gate and the lectures taking place in the art class. Through the eyes of the director, the film uncovers the unpleasant truth of the Korean educational system. (Hong Hyosook)
WHANG Cheol-Mean
Born in 1960. Whang Cheol-mean received his MA in sociology/media studies from Mainz University and Osnabruck University in Germany, and also completed a Doctorate course in cinematography at Berlin Free University, Germany. He graduated from Deutsche Film und Fernseh Akademie, Berlin. He has been making his own short films, which have been shown in several film festivals in different countries, since 1990. His films include Fuck Hamlet(1996), My All Milky Way(2000), My Girlfriend the Liar(2001), Boiled Egg(2001) and Battle of Okcheon(2001).
  • Director WHANG Cheol-Mean 황철민
  • Producer Whang Cheol-mean 황철민
  • Screenplay Whang Cheol-mean 황철민
  • Cinematography Whang Cheol-mean, Kim Kyung-suk, Jung Hae-sim 황철민, Kim Kyung Suk 김경석, Jung Hae Sim 정해심
  • Editor Whang Cheol-mean 황철민
  • Production Company Cinegut film
    3th Fl, 227-218 Jayang3-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 143-193, Korea

  • World Sales Cinegut film
    3th Fl, 227-218 Jayang3-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul 143-193, Korea