

영화 정보

The High Hill

8th(2003) Wide Angle

Women · Human Rights · History  

  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2003
  • Running Time132min
  • Format DV
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
In a small village in Turkey, the men play while the women work. In this village, short pants are not allowed to be worn, so the soccer players must tie up their long skirts which label them as the ‘water jar’ soccer team. However, in this traditional patriarchal society, the oppressed women’s lives are no different than those of the men living with an inner deep sense of failure. This documentary is an unbiased observation of the everyday lives of these villagers.
CHOI Hadongha
He was a member of a cinematheque ′Film Gongbang′ in 1994 and completed documentary titled [A Short Film about Lovelornness] in 1996. [High Hill](2003) was screened in PIFF and Cinéma du Réel in France.
  • Director CHOI Hadongha 최하동하
  • Producer Lee Kyeong-soon
  • Cinematography Lee Sang-ha, Serkan Ozdamar
  • Editor Choiha Dong-ha