

영화 정보

Joy of Madness

8th(2003) Wide Angle

Adventure · Biography · Psychology  

  • CountryIran
  • Production Year2003
  • Running Time60min
  • Format DV
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Fourteen-year-old Hana Makhmalbaf expresses her views about post-Taliban Afghanistan by documenting the production process of At Five in the Afternoon, a film directed by her older sister Samira Makhmalbaf. That is how she began making Joy of Madness, which mixes fiction and non-fiction.The film follows Samira′s casting process for her film on the street. Drawn to the common expression of fear shown by the Afghan people when they are approached for interviews, she starts to focus less on the casting and more on their fear. From this point on, the film becomes less a documentary and more a unique fictional account of Afghan society, focusing on the fear of the ordinary people. It is truly amazing that such a young girl has already established her own views of the world. (Kim Ji-seok)
Born in 1988, Hana Makhmalbaf started attending the Makhmalbaf Film School after she finished second grade and continued studying film for 8 years. Her short film The Day My Aunt Was Ill received international attention at the Locarno Film Festival in 1997 when she was only 9 years old. At age 14 she made a documentary called Joy of Madness.
  • Director Hana MAKHAMALBAF 하나 마흐말바프
  • Screenplay Hana Makhmalbaf
  • Cinematography Hana Makhmalbaf
  • Editor Mastaneh Mohajer
  • Music Mohammed Reza Safiri