

영화 정보


8th(2003) Wide Angle

Colonialism · War · History  

  • CountrySlovenia
  • Production Year2002
  • Running Time13m
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
From 1992 to 1995, during the siege of Sarajevo, the only connection to the outside world for the ordinary people was through a secret passage hidden beneath a runaway at the Sarajevo airport. People called it The Tunnel, but it looked more like an underground sewer. If this tunnel could speak, it could tell thousands of sad stories. Once, the tunnel represented a choir′s last chance to leave the besieged city for their European tour.
Arsenijević was born in Belgrade, Serbia and completed his formal education at the College of Performing Arts. In addition to directing short films, Arsenijević is also an actor. His films include [No. 6](1998), [Outsider](1999), the documentaries [Landscapes](2000) and [Belgrade Sound](2001), and [Torsion](2003).
  • Director Stefan ARSENIJEVIĆ 스테판 아르세니예비치
  • Producer Jurij Kosak
  • Cast Davor Janjic Amir Glamocak Emina Muftic
  • Screenplay Abdulah Sidran
  • Cinematography Vilko Filac
  • Production Design Jurij Kosak