

영화 정보

Princes & Princesses

5th(2000) Wide Angle


  • CountryFrance
  • Production Year2000
  • Running Time70min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
In this imaginative film of silhouette animation, a girl and a boy stage fantastic shows in a theater with the help of an old derelict technician. They transform into the hero and heroine of six short tales, travelling between the ancient past and the distant future to all corners of the globe.
Born on the Côte d`Azur and raised in Guinea and Anjou, Michel Ocelot has become one of the world`s most respected animators. He serves as president of the Association Internationale du Film d`Animation (ASIFA), a position he has held for the last six years. Among his films are [The Three Inventors] (1980), [Les Quatre voeux] (1987), [Kirikou and the Sorceress] (1998), [ Princes and Princesses] (2000), and [Kirikou et les bêtes sauvages] (2005).
  • Director Michel OCELOT 미셸 오슬로
  • Production Company Gebeka Films
    46 Rue Pierre Semard, 69007 Lyon, France

  • World Sales Celluloid Dreams
    24 Rue Lamartine, 75009 Paris, France