
영화 정보

A Boy and A Girl

A Window on Asian Cinema

Family/Child · Crime/Violence · Coming of Age · Women · Ravenge · Human Rights/Labor/Social  

  • CountryTaiwan
  • Production Year2023
  • Running Time140min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
A girl shows her trust of a boy by showing him a dead fetus in a jar. Her relationship with the soccer coach she once loved left her haunted by the agony of murder. The boy, who desperately wants to leave after witnessing his mother’s affair, decides to pool money together with the girl. The unnamed protagonists of A Boy and a Girl act out a story about all boys and girls today who are extorted rather than protected by adults. The greatest tragedy of all lies in the fact that no matter what misdeeds they might commit, the unsympathetic, even malevolent punishment they face far exceeds their misdeeds. A feature debut film by Hsu Li-Da, who has built a career through short films and television dramas, this film will be world-premiered at the 2023 BIFF. (CHOI Eun)
©Rise Productions Co., Ltd.
Hsu Li-Da earned his MA in filmmaking at the Taipei National University of the Art. He directed the short film True School (2011), and his television film The Long Goodbye (2017) won Best Director and Best Writer in the Golden Bell Awards. A Boy and A Girl is his first feature film.
  • Director HSU Li-Da 쉬리다
  • Producer Tsai-Yang TANG
  • Cast Travis HU, Kira SKELLY, Kris KUAN, Frederick LEE, Chun Yao YAO
  • Screenplay Li-Da HSU
  • Cinematography Ko Chin CHEN
  • Production Design I-Feng CHANG
  • Editor Ching-Sung LIAO, Li-Da HSU
  • Sound Duu-Chih TU
  • Music Luming LU
  • Production Company Rise Pictures Co., Ltd.


  • World Sales Rise Pictures Co., Ltd.
