

Wide Angle

Kids on Fire
  • Kyle NIEVA
  • Philippines
  • 2020
  • 19min

J.C., a boy who has just started puberty, joins a religious camp. While he participates in the programs, he gets confused between constantly emerging sexual fantasies and his socia...

World Premiere

New Currents

  • Elvin ADIGOZEL
  • Azerbaijan,France
  • 2020
  • 86min

Bilesuvar begins with the passing images of a tasteless landscape in the suburbs of Azerbaijan. Soon, a young man enlisting in the military is spending boring days feeling a...

International Premiere

Wide Angle

The Cloud Is Still There
  • Mickey LAI
  • Malaysia
  • 2020
  • 19min

Xiao Le, a young determined Christian woman tries to save her dying grandfather’s soul by converting him. However, her mother in the traditional Taoist family cannot understand her...

World Premiere

Wide Angle

  • Apoorva SATISH
  • India,Czech Republic
  • 2020
  • 16min

Kanya is a successful swimmer who has been chosen to represent her state. However, her secondary sex characteristic starts to confuse her. The tension between her family and societ...

International Premiere

A Window on Asian Cinema

  • Karl Glenn BARIT
  • Philippines
  • 2020
  • 79min

High school students in their prime time are forced to grow up pure, honest, and sexually upright in Catholic high schools. Hypocritically, however, they spend time knowing that th...

International Premiere

Wide Angle

  • Ariq Anam KHAN
  • Bangladesh,UK
  • 2020
  • 19min

Abdur, who has to support his family but has insufficient income, is trying to get a working visa in a wealthy country to save money quickly. However, he has to face another choice...

World Premiere

A Window on Asian Cinema

  • India
  • 2020
  • 85min

Captive is a road movie about Vasanti, recently released from prison and on her way to find her family, and ex-con Chandu. The typical development of their relationship, fro...

World Premiere

Flash Forward

  • Marcus LENZ
  • Germany
  • 2020
  • 97min

Reminiscent of the preface of Emile Ajar′s The Life Before Us, Rivals spends a great deal of time depicting the process of people, who speak different languages, eith...

Wide Angle

Hong Kong Moments
  • Bing ZHOU
  • China,Germany
  • 2020
  • 96min

The Hong Kong crisis that emerged last year when the government of Hong Kong proposed the “Extradition Bill” continued to draw global attention. Many people came out to the streets...

A Window on Asian Cinema

The Salt in Our Waters
  • Rezwan Shahriar SUMIT
  • Bangladesh,France
  • 2020
  • 106min

A sculptor from the city comes to a secluded fishing village with a container carrying his precious works. This is a village of poor fishermen who live on a daily basis, where inco...