
영화 정보

Every Day a Good Day

A Window on Asian Cinema


  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year0000
  • Running Time100min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Unlike her lively cousin, Noriko has no hobbies, no ambitions, and doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life. Her mother suggests that she join a class to learn traditional tea ceremony, and though reluctant at first, Noriko gradually finds this difficult, complex and seemingly meaningless ritual becoming a core part of her life for the next 20 years. As Noriko battles through finding a job, breaking up with her boyfriend and losing a loved one, tea is always by her side. With a Starbucks just around every corner, who would even think of learning an archaic thing like tea ceremony, much less believe that it could have such profound impact on one’s life? It doesn’t have to be tea, but we are all seeking that consolation in this ever-vanishing ‘now’; something special that you want to preserve and cherish. Very strong acting from Kuroki Haru and the legendary Kiki Kirin enforce the poised but solid directing from Osamu Tatsushi. This is the final work of Kiki Kirin, who passed away less than a month before the film’s premiere. (Karen Park)
OMORI Tatsushi
Omori Tatsushi hails from Tokyo and began making 8mm films during university before working as an actor. He is also the brother of Vibrator’s Omori Nao. His filmography includes The Whispering of the Gods (2005), A Crowd of Three (2010), Bozo (2013), The Ravine of Goodbye (2013), Setoutsumi (2016) and And Then There Was Light (2017).
  • Director OMORI Tatsushi 오모리 타츠시
  • Producer Tomomi Yoshimura, Ryuji Kanai, Takahiko Kondo
  • Cast Haru Kuroki, Kirin Kiki, Mikako Tabe, Mayu Tsuruta, Shingo Tsurumi, Megumi Takizawa, Saya Kawamura, Mayu Harada, Mizuki Yamashita, Chihiro Okamoto
  • Screenplay Tatsushi Omori
  • Cinematography Kenji Maki
  • Editor Hayano Ryo
  • Music Sebu Hiroko
  • Production Company “Every Day a Good Day” Production Committee, Yoake Pictures Inc, Harvest Film

  • World Sales Colorbird Inc.

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