

영화 정보

Dancer in the Dark

5th(2000) Open Cinema


  • CountryDenmark,France,Sweden
  • Production Year2000
  • Running Time139min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Selma is a Czech immigrant, a single mother working in a factory in rural America. Her salvation is her passion for music, especially the all-singing, all-dancing numbers found in classic Hollywood musicals. Selma harbours a sad secret: she is losing her eyesight and her son stands to suffer the same fate if she can? put away enough money to secure him an operation. When a desperate neighbor falsely accuses Selma of stealing his savings, the drama of her life escalates to a tragic finale. “This film is put together from two ‘shapes’: the musical scenes and some almost documentary scenes. I thought it would be interesting to put the documentary style up against the musical but I believe that I act from admiration for the way musicals are - I? not trying to subvert or destroy anything. I? trying to make it richer by somehow importing true emotion. It is such a beautiful cocktail, emotion and music. Also, I think that to take something like musicals seriously is interesting. (Lars von Trier)
Lars von TRIER
Copenhagen native Lars Von Trier is perhaps known as well for his Dogme 95 manifesto as for his polemic filmmaking. A graduate of the National Film School of Denmark, he has been pushing the boundaries of cinema for over two decades. His filmography includes [Europa](1991), [Breaking the Waves](1996).
  • Director Lars von TRIER 라스 폰 트리에
  • Producer Vibeke Windelov
  • Cast Bjork, Catherine Deneuve, David Morse, Peter Stormare, Joel Grey
  • Screenplay Lars Von Trier
  • Cinematography Robby Muller, Lars Von Trier
  • Production Design Karl Juliusson
  • Editor Francois Gedigier, Molly Marlene Stensgard
  • Sound Per Streit
  • Music Bjork
  • Production Company Zentropa Entertainment
    4 Avedore tvaervej 10 DK-2650 Hvidovre, Denmark

  • World Sales Trust Film Sales
    Filmbyen,Postbox 199, Avedore Tvaervej 10, DK-2650 Hvidore, Denmark