
영화 정보


Special Retrospective Films of Krzysztof Zanussi

Family ·  

  • CountryPoland
  • Production Year1973
  • Running Time91 min
  • Format 35mm
  • Colorcolor
Program Note
The film tells of the life of a young scientist whose passion is a philosophical searching for truth. His story is narrated on two levels. The first tells of Franciszek′s life in a ten-year span from the time he matriculated in a small provincial school to his doctorate in physics. On the second level, we are presented with a documentary telling of the happenings and scientific processes that shape Franciszek′s consciousness. To support his new wife and child, he quits studying and begin work. He enters the clinical world and begins to absorb the mysterious ties between consciousness and matter. Franciszek becomes friendly with a patient who dies after a brain operation. This shock knocks him out of the routine of his life, and he searches for the answers that he must have. Without finding peace, Franciszek returns to his family, taking up his studies once more, and through the discipline of intensive work, tries to regain equilibrium.
Krzysztof Zanussi
The 5th edition of PIFF presents the Special Retrospective - Films of Krzysztof Zanussi, who is the Polish master. With the exception of his latest film, Life as a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease, which is featured in the ′World Cinema′ section, his four films: Camouflage, Constant Factor, Illumination, and A Year of the Quiet Sun will be shown in this retrospective. Born in Warsaw in 1939, he studied physics before he attended lectures on film at the Institute of Arts of Polish Academy of Science. Since making his first film with the Amateur Film Club of Warsaw University in the 50s, Zanussi has directed documentary films and features for cinema and TV, both in Poland and abroad. Since 1992, he is a professor of Silesian University in Katowice. The cinema of Krzysztof Zanussi explores a continuum of conflict ranging from the individual and interpersonal to the larger social order. He explores the relationship of the individual′s conscience to society′s norms of morality. His films are provocative, cerebral cinema, objectifying characters through both attention to detail and cool observation of the stages of conflict. Zanussi demands his audience to react to his films intelligently. Three major types of conflicts permeate Zanussi′s films. First, the conflict between determinism and free will. He elaborates this as the bridgeable gap between empiricism and Catholicism in Illumination. Second is the conflict between the individual and the corruption of society, which occurs in Camouflage, Constant Factor, and Contract. The last conflict is between the individual′s self-awareness and the invisible pressures of the immediate social milieu. This is strongest in The Contract. This retrospective will be the chance to look at some of his masterpieces and illuminate your understanding of films of Krzysztof Zanussi.
  • Director Krzysztof Zanussi 크지스토프 자누시
  • Producer Jerzy Buchwald
  • Cast Stanislaw Latallo, Monika Dzienisiewicz-Olbrychaska, Malgorzata Pritulak
  • Screenplay Krzysztof Zanussi
  • Cinematography Edward Klosinski
  • Production Design Stefan Maciag
  • Editor Urszula Sliwinska
  • Music Wojciech Kilar
  • Production Company "TOR" Film Production
    Pulawska 61, 02-595 Warsaw, Poland

  • World Sales "TOR" Film Production
    Pulawska 61, 02-595 Warsaw, Poland
2000 Special Retrospective Films of Krzysztof Zanussi
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