

영화 정보

Three Brothers

5th(2000) A Window on Asian Cinema


  • CountryKazakhstan
  • Production Year2000
  • Running Time80min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorColor
Program Note
The latest film of Kazakhstan’s new wave filmmaker, Serik Apriymov. A humorous coming-of-age film told through the memories of the youngest of three brothers, Cibut. A village located next to the airforce base houses three brothers, including the rowdy, Tera, and their friends. Their dream is having fun with girls at a lake. One day, they steal a ride on a train to make this dream come true. But instead misfortune awaits them.
Serik Aprymov
Serik Aprymov was born in Aksuat, Kazakhstan, and attended the VGIK – Moscow Film School. His graduate film, [Last Stop](1989) was his first feature. Each of his seven films has screened in “Focus on the Filmmakers” at Rotterdam, and they include [Hypnotist](1988), [Dream in Dream](1993), and [Aksuat] (1998). [Tri Brata](2000) won the Asian Film Award at the Tokyo International Film Festival and the Holden Prize for best screenplay at Torino. [The Hunter] is his latest.
  • Director Serik Aprymov 세릭 아프리모프
  • Cast Kasym Zhakibaev, Shakir Vilyoumov, Bulat Mazhagulov
  • Screenplay Serik Aprimov
  • Cinematography Fedor Aranyshev
  • Production Design Sabit Kurmanbekov, Svetlana Chigrinova
  • Editor Dina Bersugurova
  • Sound Aliy Myrzasheva
  • Production Company EAST CINEMA
    mkr Aksai3 B34, app25 480037 Almaty Kazakstan

  • World Sales NA