
영화 정보

Let There Be Light

World Cinema

Crime/Violence · Social Criticism · Suspense/Mystery · Politics/Conspiracy · Spirituality · Human Rights  

  • CountrySlovakRepublic,Czech Republic
  • Production Year2019
  • Running Time93min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Milan, the main character, returns to his home town in Slovakia after working on construction sites in Germany. He’s dreaming of having a quality time with his family, but the police visit Milan’s house. They say Milan’s son is involved in the death of his friend. The son is cited as the perpetrator who led the boy to kill himself by bullying and harassing him. While questioning his son, Milan finds out that his son is related to an ultra-right militia in the town. Noticing that his son is not the real assailant and he also has been threatened by the militia, Milan comes forward to reveal the truth. <br> Let There Be Light is a film that shows a facet of the Eastern European reality today. No one can be trusted in the town ruled by the extreme rightists. Sometimes voluntarily, sometimes forced, sometimes frightened, people close their eyes and shut their mouths when something goes wrong. Neither the priest nor the police of the town are on the main character’s side. Milan’s fight to be a fair father to his son is also about restoring justice. Actor Milan ONDRIK, who plays Milan, won the best actor award at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival through this movie. (NAM Dong-chul)
Marko ŠKOP
Graduate of Academy of Performing Arts VŠMU in Bratislava, Slovakia. Director of TV documentary films Other World(2006) and Osadne(2009). He produced documentary film Blind Loves(2009) by Juraj LEHOTSKY, which won CICAE Award in the frame of the Quinzaine des Realisateurs in Cannes. Eva Nova(2015) is his fiction feature debut and at the the Toronto IFF it was awarded the FIPRESCI Prize.
  • Director Marko ŠKOP 마르코 스콥
  • Producer Marko ŠKOP, Ján MELIŠ, Petr OUKROPEC, Pavel STRNAD
  • Cast Milan ONDRÍK, František BELEŠ, Zuzana KONEČNÁ, Ľubomír PAULOVIČ, Katarína KORMAŇÁKOVÁ, Maximilián DUŠANIČ, Daniel FISCHER, Csongor KASSAI, Anikó VARGOVÁ, Marek GEIŠBERG
  • Screenplay Marko ŠKOP
  • Cinematography Ján MELIŠ
  • Production Design Pavol ANDRAŠKO
  • Editor František KRÄHENBIEL
  • Sound Jan ČENĚK
  • Production Company ARTILERIA, s.r.o.,Negativ s.r.o.
    Slovak Republic Drobneho 23, 841 01 Bratislava,Czech Republic Ostrovni 30 110 00 Praha 1

  • World Sales Loco Films
    France 42 rue Sedaine 75011 Paris
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