

New Currents

Accidental Legend
  • WANG Shaudi
  • Taiwan
  • 1996
  • 126 mins

In the late Ching Dynasty, political corruption and natural disasters plagued the land. The government sets up reservations in remote wastelands to put away the hungry and wanderin...

New Currents

Three Friends
  • YIM Soon-Rye
  • Korea
  • 1996
  • 93 mins

Independent, Fatso and Petal are three best friends who have failed the all-important college entrance exam. Lacking ambition and talent, these three are members of Korea′s Generat...

Wide Angle

Under Construction
  • CHUNG Won-Gu
  • Korea
  • 1996
  • 19 mins. 30s

On the wall of a squalid slum-apartment ,to be torn down for redevelopment, is a mural picturing a beautiful, modern world. A working-class man views this mural and dreams that dre...

Wide Angle

M.P-Military Police & Military Prisoner
  • KWAK Kyung-Taek
  • Korea
  • 1996
  • 22 mins. 27s

Private Kang-Hun spends his last days before being released guarding the main gate. He sees Cheon Suk-Ho imprisoned, charged with destroying family life. Kanghun sees Cheon as a he...

Wide Angle

  • LEE Jeong-Chul
  • Korea
  • 1996
  • 6 mins

A little boy, ranked first in first grade, drops to tenth in second grade. Finding school boring and repetitive, he resorts to marbles all day. The teacher scolds him without askin...

Wide Angle

  • KIM Yun-Tae
  • Korea
  • 1996
  • 17 mins

′Dowsing′ refers to searching for a vein of water or ore with a rod. This film sketches one strange day in a child′s life, when all daily routines seem condensed into one. She lose...

Wide Angle

A Birthday
  • BYUN Hyuk
  • Korea
  • 1996
  • 10 mins

It′s a grandfather′s eightieth birthday party. The family′s gathered, but everyone′s busy, doing their own thing. The daughter frets over the dinner table while the gifts preoccupy...

Wide Angle

The Celluloid Closet
  • United States
  • 1996
  • 102 mins

Tim HISGHSTED (London Film Festival Catalogue, 1995) : is both a history of lesbian and gay images, a study of how Hollywood has shaped our views of masculin...

Wide Angle

  • KOO Sung-Woo
  • Korea
  • 1996
  • 4 mins

A munitions factory in a nation at war produces bullets. Following an enemy attack, bullet production stops suddenly. A bullet falls to the floor, killing a soldier, then continues...

Wide Angle

The Lover
  • LEE Sung-Kang
  • Korea
  • 1996
  • 12 mins

Her lover is herself. To escape from memories she cannot manage, she engenders another self, one that exists guaranteed to objectify the self. Nonetheless, the opression of her lif...

BNK Busan Bank
Korea Hydro & Nuclear Co., Ltd.
카카오 오픈채팅
Korea Exchange
Shinhan Card
Debeach Golf Club
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Busan Metropolitan City
Korean Film Council
Busan Office 3rd Floor, BIFF HILL, Busan Cinema Center, 120, Suyeonggangbyeon-daero, Haeundae-gu, Busan 48058, Korea Seoul Office #1601, GARDEN TOWER, 84, Yulgok-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03131, Korea
2024 BIFF 로고